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February 2022 Newsletter




Jill and the team have been getting used to the new software system since going live on December 21st.  As with all software systems, most parts are better than the old one, but some are not and require adaptation.

Your statement for January 2022 will be different in a few ways:

  1.  Printed on 1/31/22 rather than the 25th of the month as we had been.
  2. Includes charges from the conversion time in December
  3. Will only show total invoice amounts with the invoice number
  4. Service charges added for January, but nothing for December.

We are still working out how the detailed invoice information will get to you, especially for the farms with lots of calls.  It looks like this month will be a lot of printing and sorting until we get things figured out.  Please call and talk to Jill if you have questions, suggestions or concerns about your billing.

This new system has many more options for using email and text to send reminders, newsletter, invoices and payment requests.  Jill is working on how to best communicate with all our clients.  If you do not want to share your email information, we will note that in the system.  You can also opt out of receiving certain information but still give us your email.  We hope this new system will provide more efficient ways that we can communicate with each other.


The Gift of Health for Your Pet


As you’re shopping for the holiday season, you may ask yourself, “What’s the best gift I can give my pet?” While pet sweaters are cute and can make for adorable holiday cards, we believe the best present a pet parent can gift their pet is a healthy, happy life. When you invest in your pet’s wellbeing, you’re giving the most heartfelt gift a pet could ask for (if they knew how to speak). As a pet parent, you are your pet’s advocate for a better life. You’re like Santa but better--you have the opportunity to make your pet merrier every day of the year.


Celebrate Thanksgiving with an Attitude of Gratitude


Despite all that has happened in 2020, this year has its hidden gems. From having more time to snuggle with the cat to greeting neighbors working from home on walks with the dog, there is still so much to be thankful for as we approach Thanksgiving.


Committed to the health of your livestock and pets.