Pet Poison Prevention: Common Household Dangers & How to Keep Your Pet Safe

Pets are naturally curious, which can sometimes get them into trouble. Many everyday items that seem harmless to humans can be extremely dangerous to our furry companions. Knowing what’s poisonous to pets and how to prevent accidental ingestion can help keep your pet safer.
Since March 16-22 is Pet Poison Prevention Week, it’s a good time to take a look at your home through your pet’s eyes for the presence of foods, plants or household cleaners that could put their health at risk. Let's ensure your home remains a safe haven for your furry family members by learning how to spot and prevent these hidden dangers.
Shining a Spotlight on Our Veterinary Technicians: The Heartbeat of Our Practice

From October 13-19, 2024, we join veterinary clinics nationwide in celebrating National Veterinary Technician Week! These incredible individuals are the backbone of our clinic, working tirelessly to ensure every pet receives the care they need. If you’ve ever wondered just how our vet techs make a difference in the life of your pet, we’re here to shed some light on their remarkable work.
Heartworm 101: Understanding Risks and How to Protect Your Pet

Among the various health risks that pets face, heartworm disease stands out as a particularly insidious threat. This disease can have devastating effects on your pet, and yet, it is preventable. This article will delve into heartworm disease and stress the importance of proactive prevention.